10/23/22 Spiritual Courage: The Quest for Meaning and Purpose

Worship Leader: guest minister, Pastor Daléne Fuller Rogers
Music by: Nell Britton & the UUCB Choir
Courage may be a form of spiritual practice towards what is difficult, painful, and sometimes unknown. The defining outgrowth of love is courage . We will reflect on how courage has been manifested in our own lives, and the lives of others.

Pastor Daléne has served the Anglican Church of Canada, several churches in the Episcopal, Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, and United Church of Christ denominations. She is also a Board Certified Chaplain and a Spiritual Counselor. Her first career was 18 years in Nuclear Medicine technology. Pastor Dalene enjoys relaxing and enjoying the Spirit of God in nature with her partner Susan, bird watching, photography, cooking, good literature and playing with her three grandchildren in Massachusetts.