Special Congregational Meeting April 18-Agenda

Unitarian Universalist Church of Brunswick

Special Congregational Meeting

April 18, 2021 at 11:00 A.M. Via Zoom



  1. Call to order: Carol Evans, Moderator
  2. Opening Words: Reverend Justine Sullivan
  3. Reading of the Church Mission Statement and Congregational Covenant: Glenn Williams


  1. Meeting overview: Carol Evans


  1. Explanation of Settled Minister Search Committee selection process: Glenn Williams
  2. Motion: The UUCB Board of Trustees recommends congregational approval of the following slate of candidates for our Settled Minister Search Committee.

Irene Austin

Stephanie Bernier

Nathan Haynes

David Juhlin

Mary Larson

Betsy Roper

Tom Rumpf

  1. Discussion
  2. Voice Vote

11:30 Closing Words/Adjournment: Justine Sullivan, Carol Evans