Good News! Circle Suppers are Back-May 1 Only

In the light of the recent changes in CDC guidelines, it appears those who are fully vaccinated and two weeks beyond the second dose, it is possible to gather with others in small groups. This will be a big boost for many of us, providing a much-needed opportunity to gather with others.

While there were several proposed dates listed on the recent post card mailing, only the May 1st   has openings.     Additional dates will be made available as we move into the summer months.

These suppers, arranged by the Membership Committee, provide a great opportunity for both long-time and new members to get better acquainted in a comfortable small group setting. Groups of 6 to 8 people attend. Suppers are informal, “pot-luck” style with the host providing the main course and others bringing appetizers, sides and desserts. Beverages may be provided by both the hosts and guests.