2021 Nominating Committee Report

The Nominating Committee is charged with nominating candidates for openings for all the elected positions as provided for in the bylaws; Trustees, Board of Trustee Officers, Moderator, and Nominating Committee.

The Committee takes seriously its responsibility to find candidates who will provide strong, stable leadership for the church, and to nominate individuals willing to lead without pushing any personal agenda into the process. Given the bylaw stipulation that Officers be elected from the elected Board of Trustees, nominating Trustees with a careful eye to leadership succession is an important aspect of the process.

The Nominating Committee meets from time to time to detail expected openings from expiring terms or resignations, then recommend potential candidates for the open leadership positions. Committee members then approach the suggested individuals to discuss the responsibilities and determine the best fit for the positions. The Committee submits its recommendations of candidates to fill each opening and presents the slate to the Congregation for consideration at the Annual Business Meeting.

This year the Committee initiated discussions about many outstanding potential candidates. These conversations led to deep consideration of many important issues, responsibilities of leadership and the future of the church. We are excited to present a strong slate of Trustees, Officers, and other positions and we are confident they will help lead the church in a positive direction in the coming year.

Board of Trustees 2020-2021

(9 members, elected to 3 year terms)

Glenn Williams – Chair (2nd term ends 2022)

David Kew – Vice Chair (1st term ends 2022)

Cindy Parker – Treasurer (1st term ends 2023)

Bill Clark – Clerk (1st term ends 2022)

Michael Cain– (Completed Jonathon Allen’s 1st term which ends 2021)

Sienna Dode (1st term ends 2021)

Penny Elwell (2nd term ends 2021)

Paul Peranteau (2nd term ends 2023)

Shannon Gilmore (1st term ends 2023)

There are five Board of Trustee openings to be filled by election at the Annual Meeting 2021


The Moderator presides at all meetings of the Congregation and is elected for a 1 year term (maximum of 3 consecutive terms). Carol Evans has served as moderator for 3 consecutive terms, 2019 – 2021.

Nominating Committee: The bylaws call for the Committee to be made up of up to 5 members to serve 2 year terms, maximum of 2 consecutive terms. The immediate past Board Chair (or another recent Trustee) serves as the Nominating Committee Chair. The other members are elected by the congregation at the Annual Meeting.

2020-2021 Nominating Committee

Charles Evans, Chair (past Board Chair) (2nd term expires 2022)

Mary Larson (1st term expires 2021)

Jane Danielson (2nd term expires 2022)

Vicki Simpson (2nd term expires 2022)

Michael Heath (1st term expires 2022)


Nominations for Open Board of Trustee Positions (5)

  •  Jessica Tracy – (To fulfill Shannon Gilmore’s term which term expires 2023)
  •  Rebecca Waddle – (To fulfill Paul Peranteau’s term which expires 2023)
  •  Catharine (Cuffy) Chase  – (1st term expires 2024)
  •  Michael Michaud – (1st term expires 2024)
  •  Sienna Dode – (2nd term expires 2024)

Board of Trustee Officer Nominations for 1 Year Terms

  •  David Kew – Board Chair
  •  Catharine Chase  – Vice Chair
  •  Cindy Parker – Treasurer
  •  Bill Clark  – Clerk

Nominations for Nominating Committee Positions (1)

  • Louise Gephart – (1st term expires 2023)

Nomination for Moderator Position (1)

  • Maryli Teamann – (1 year term 2021- 2022)