Covid-19 Update

The Covid Response Team met on 2/9/22 and developed the following updated guidelines:

Sanctuary Services
·       For the foreseeable future, singing by members of the congregation (masked) will be allowed on Sunday mornings.
·       Live musical performance by a single wind instrument and/or 2 unmasked singers at least 10 feet apart on the chancel, well away from any congregants, will be permitted.
·       All congregants will wear masks and have their contact information recorded for contact tracing. Surgical masks are strongly recommended and will be provided.
·       There will be no food/coffee after the service.
·       Maximum capacity in the sanctuary will be 100, with 20 chairs provided in fellowship hall.
·       Chairs with arms to be used only by people who need the support of arms.

Other Group Meetings
·         Contact lists will be maintained for all group meetings.
·         If a COVID case is traced to UUCB we will follow CDC procedures. Rev. Justine and Bill Clark will make ad hoc decision and follow up with a Task Force meeting for a “final” decision.
·         Vaccinated UUCB congregants may meet in the building under the following conditions:
o   There is no limit on the number of meetings that may be held in the church at a given time or on the number of groups that may meet on any given day.
o   Seats will be spaced 6 feet apart (or family pods). All participants will be masked.
o   The choir, wearing masks, may practice inside.
o   Ministerial Search Committee meetings will be given priority for room use.
o   Up to 15 people at a time may use the Merrymeeting Bay room.
o   Meetings must be scheduled in advance, either through the Church Administrator or the Interim Minister in her absence. There will be no ad hoc spontaneous meetings.
o   Group leaders will generate contact lists, which will be stored by the church administrator.
o   With the exception of a previously approved agreement providing space for Thursday afternoon Hebrew school, non-UUCB groups will not be allowed to use the building.

Air Purifiers
2 air purifiers in the Merrymeeting Bay room should be on when the room is in use. 1 air purifier in the May Sarton room should be on when the room is in use.

Religious Exploration
OWL request to hold in-person program starting in March for Grades 4-6 on Tuesday evenings at 6:15pm was approved, with the following restrictions:
·       All participants (children and leaders) must be fully vaccinated, as possible.
·       All participants must wear masks at all times.
·       All participants agree to report positive cases of covid among the group if they arise.
·       There can be up to 15 people in the Merrymeeting Bay Room for the program.

·       The March 12th Concert for a Cause will take place as scheduled as long as all performers are fully vaccinated (including boosters). It is suggested that the first row of the audience seating be removed to increase distance between performers and audience.
·       For attendees and for musicians, proof of vaccination or recent negative test and information for contact list will be required. Masks will be required except when musicians are playing/singing onstage.
·       For CD/paraphernalia sales masks are required and crowding at sales table should be minimized.
·       Food for musicians can be re-heated in Kitchen, but will be eaten on paper plates, using paper cups for liquids, disposable utensils, in MMB room, distancing.