March Parish Messenger

Minister’s Message | March Services | Religious Exploration | Pastoral Care | Board Update | Pledge Drive | Legacy Giving | At Your Service |  Working for Justice  | Teen Center | Habitat for HumanityCharities with Soul | Concerts for a Cause

Rev. Justine’s Message

Rev. Justine Sullivan, Interim MinisterTogether we are more than any one person could be.
Together we can build across the generations.
Together we can renew our hope and faith in the life that is yet to unfold.
Together we can heed the call to a ministry of care and justice.
We are ever bound in community.
May it always be so.   ~  Peter Raible

Beloveds of UUCB,

You may have noticed that the word repeated most often in that passage from Rev. Peter Raible is “Together.” Together we can celebrate, mourn, imagine, create, change, and grow.  Although we in the United States and we Unitarian Universalists, in particular value our independence, autonomy, and privacy; we also understand that we need one another to survive. As Margaret Wheatley tells us, nothing truly exists apart from its relationship to that which surrounds it.  We humans need community, need to see and be seen and held by one another.

Church people really get this, and you beautiful members and friends of UUCB understand this idea deeply, that we are called to love and serve one another and our planet.  That’s it.  If we all did that, we’d be fine. There would, of course, still be hurricanes and wildfires and floods, but we would care for one another and share from our abundance, knowing that the world is a better place when we act in Love.

In March, we hold our annual pledge drive, the time when we are asked to think deeply about all that we receive from this community of faith and about what we feel able and willing and inspired to give to ensure that it continues to thrive – not just for those of us here now, but for all those wanderers and seekers who might one day find their way here.

This spring we anticipate a further opening up of activities both at UUCB and in the larger community.  Our Religious Exploration program will offer Our Whole Lives (OWL) for 4th, 5th, and 6th graders, and our older kids will join the OWL program offered by First Parish in Portland.  Now that more of our children are able to be vaccinated, we will see more in-person programming for all ages together.  As we have predicted, not everyone will feel ready to come back in person at the same rate, and we will continue to livestream worship every week so that all can be part of Sunday morning worship.  You were so wise to build technology into your building design when you built the new church building – what a gift it has been to be able to gather virtually all through the pandemic.  So many ways that you honor and sustain community.

As we enter this sacred time of Lent (a time in the Christian calendar, devoted to reflection), I find myself sitting with both worries and wonder: worries about what will happen with this and future pandemics, worries about the environment, and worries about violence between people and against mother earth.  But I am also filled with wonder: wonder at the beauty of this earth, at the love between people and the capacity for love and acceptance and curiosity and compassion to change hearts and minds.  Let us continue this journey together, holding the worries, grieving the losses, and celebrating the many gifts we offer and receive in this community of faith.

Peace and Love to you,

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UUCB Services in March

Mar 6 — Longfellow Days
Jud Caswell and Maryli Tiemann offer a 2022 tribute to the legacy of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.  Jud will join other songwriters to share their music inspired by Longfellow poems.  Maryli will gather poets to read both Longfellow’s and their own poetry. And we’ll all join in humming along with hymns in spired by the Longfellow family that we’ve enjoyed over generations.

Mar 13 — Stewardship Kickoff
Rev. Justine Sullivan will preach a sermon entitled “Changing Money in the Temple” with a time for all ages by DRE Toben Cooney-Callanan, and music by the UUCB Choir and Nell Britton.

Mar 20 — Finding Your Spiritual Practice.
An All-Age Service on Finding Your Spiritual Practice led by Rev. Justine Sullivan and DRE Toben Cooney-Callnan with music by Nell Britton, Stephanie Bernier and Irene Austin.

Mar 27 — Mysterium Tremendum
Led by guest preacher Al Boyce with a Time for All Ages from DRE Toben Cooney-Callnan and music by Nell Britton and the UUCB choir.  Based on the words of scholar, Rudolph Otto, and his work “Idea of the Holy”, the sermon will focus on the responsible search for truth and meaning as Unitarian Universalists amidst an emotionally and spiritually uncertain time in our lives.

Join us in the sanctuary or watch us live on youtube at UUCB AV .

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Religious Exploration

Rejoice in Reunion

It has been so lovely to worship with you all in person these last several months. I recently experienced my first service during which the masked congregation was invited to sing hymns along with Ambrosia. I hadn’t realized how much I’d missed watching everyone sing, sway, and clap together! I’ve enjoyed, too, getting to share the Time For All Ages stories with you all live and in person. Even though things look different, it is starting to feel familiar. Yet, there is one piece of service that I have missed with all of my heart. I miss seeing the children and their families in the services! The children are a special and scared part of UUCB and we have worked hard to keep them as safe as possible during the pandemic. Now that the number of vaccinated children is on the rise and the number of Omicron cases is falling, Rev. Justine and I agree (with the support of the COVID Response Team) that it’s time to invite the children back! On March 20th Rev. Justine and I will be leading a service for all ages. Vaccinated children who are able to mask for the full time are invited to join us in the Sanctuary for this service. Families with unvaccinated children are invited to join us virtually. We have some fun and moving music, readings, and centering activities in mind that we think will speak to all ages. We hope you will all join us to rejoice in reunion!

Thank you,

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Pastoral Care Notes

Mary Bugg requests prayers for her daughter and grandchildren, who need to get out of their current home situation and move back to Brunswick.

After a long hospital stay, Ross Crolius’s wife Nancy is back home again, receiving in-home care and facing the challenges of rehabilitation from her stroke. They are grateful for the support and prayers of friends.

Gil Allen, who is at Bodwell, would love to have visitors come and chat with him now that it is at last open for visitors.

Sharon Brown slipped on the ice and broke her arm near her shoulder.  It appears she will not need surgery.  She welcomes healing thoughts and cards.

Steve Loebs also slipped and fell on the ice and broke his shoulder while on a goodwill mission, bringing ice cream to Ross Crolius.  He hopes to avoid surgery and would appreciate your healing thoughts.

 Jean Lay finished chemotherapy in December for colon cancer and is almost finished radiation.  She will have surgery after a one- to two-month break.

Mary Larson’s daughter-in-law, Scarlett, had a successful double mastectomy on February 18 for breast cancer, to be followed by chemotherapy and reconstructive surgery.  Mary asks us to keep Scarlett, her son Greg, and their daughter Claire in your healing thoughts and prayers.

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UUCB Board Update

Have you ever had a vacation where—despite the best of intentions—you found it hard to leave the “real world” behind and just be in the moment? That describes our recent break in a warm climate, complete with leaving during a blizzard, extra airport days, and lost luggage. Add to that my Treasurer’s deep dive into budget season and I started to wonder if this vacation had been such a good idea. But watching a streamed Sunday service from far away brought me back to enjoying the moment again. What a luxury not to miss a service, to be reminded of the beloved community that anchors us, even at a distance! That connection helped me remember what’s important, and luggage isn’t on the list.

It’s the time of year when the Board begins to plan next year’s budget and the pledge drive that will support it. Take a look at the Pledge Drive Team’s article elsewhere in the Parish Messenger, get ready for a few fun new additions, and gear up to be generous. It’s our hope that our new settled minister will start work in a climate of abundance!

Staying with this theme for a moment, the Finance Committee has scheduled a financial review of internal controls for June, conducted by a local accounting firm. This review was originally planned for June of 2020 but postponed during the pandemic, and we’re glad to get it back on the calendar as part of a “best practice” for any church.

The Covid Task Force continues to lift restrictions as it becomes safe, and the decision to allow congregational singing again was certainly welcome. I’m hopeful that the next few months may allow even more. And finally, the Board has scheduled our Annual Meeting for Sunday, June 5, immediately after church. Put it on your calendar!

From the UUCB Board of Trustees,
Cindy Parker, Treasurer 

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Annual Pledge Drive

Deepening Our Roots – Growing Our Vision

Imagine UUCB as a tree – a presence – whose roots of intention nourish a vision of a beloved community.  For this year’s pledge drive we want to recognize our staff, who like a tree trunk, support our growth.  In turn, we extend our financial support to them so that we all thrive.

Working for justice. Celebrating with music! Reaching out and reaching within on Sunday mornings. Building community. Religious Exploration. Caring for the Earth.

Think on these things as you make your UUCB pledge for the church year 2022-2023. Our pledge drive begins on Sunday, March 13, and continues for four Sundays. Watch for our spirited Sunday videos, created to let you know where your money goes to work…

We are entering a critical year in the financial health of the church. After almost two years of using the church’s savings to supplement lower pledges and replace fund-raisers and rentals, we need to return to a sustainable operating budget just as inflation is rising and our staff faces a higher cost of living. Our pledge drive goal of $250,000 acknowledges these realities as well as the remarkable effort that both staff and congregation put into keeping us together since March 2020.

 You’ll be receiving a letter in the mail with a pledge form, brief budget information, and details on how to make a pledge and pay your pledge. There are lots of options, from signing up for a monthly automatic payment to paying online to dropping a check in the Sunday collection plate.

Look for the tree in the Fellowship Hall, generously executed by Joanne Allen. Every pledge is a new leaf…may our tree grow and grow until we reach our goal! UUCB needs us all–please give as you are able.

 Your Pledge Drive Team,

Jane Danielson, Penny Elwell, Carol Gillespie, and Cindy Parker

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Legacy Giving

Ways to sustain our beloved church

by Carol Evans

It is now easier than ever to find ways to support the work of UUCB after your life is over.  Many of us have already given a thought to this but may have pushed off taking action.  It is easy to procrastinate on these end-of-life decisions. But you can do great good by taking some small steps.

Legacy Giving or Planned Giving is a way to have an impact in the well-being and spiritual life of others for many years to come.

A gift of any size will be added to investments which contribute to longer term needs including church programming and community outreach. This might be planned through a gift by will, through retirement funds, life insurance, a charitable gift annuity or a gift during your lifetime. 

UUCB now has a Legacy Giving Program which you can explore. To receive a brochure,  please contact Carol Evans at "> or (207) 406-4417,  or contact Shirley Bernier, UUCB Office Administrator at (207) 729-8515 or ">.

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At Your Service

At Your Service is a Board initiative is a Board initiative for 2022 to help keep us connected. Submissions should include: name, brief description, category of service, email. Send

Sorry no merchandise. Not open to General Public.

Desire a Service

Provide a Service

Exchange Services

    • Your name could be here if you’d like to exchange services

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Working for Justice

Teen Center

Donna Tompkins, a UUCB member, has joined the Teen Center Group.  She also volunteers at People Plus providing meals for the seniors.

The Teen Center advisory committee recently met two teens who are   huge fans of the Center. Thanks to community funds, two other teens took the driver’s education course, and one has already obtained a driver’s permit.

Funding for the Teen Center/People Plus van is progressing. A donor has earmarked his gift for the van, and the staff are thinking of fundraising ideas to augment that contribution.

The annual Gelato Fiasco Scoop-a-thon fundraiser for the Teen Center will be held on April 27.  Plans for the one-day event this year include Bowdoin student “celebrity scoopers” and other volunteers providing information about the Teen Center.

The January UUCB Teen Center snack collection was a success once again. Thanks to all who donated snacks or funding. You are much appreciated by Jordan and the teens.

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Habitat for Humanity

On February 10, Habitat for Humanity 7Rivers ME, presented UUCB with the Volunteer Appreciation Award.  For the past several years UUCB has had 5 regular volunteers at the Restore itself (Carol Briggs, Cuffy Chase, Mike Heath and Gretchen and Dexter Kamilewicz.  In addition, all of them as well as other members of UUCB have participated for many years in the annual Walk to Build as well as other fund raising efforts.  The Restore is always looking for volunteers so if you have a few hours a week that you don’t know what to do with, please contact Gretchen or Cuffy  for information on how you can join our fantastic Restore team!

Spring Walk to Build 2022

Spring Walk to Build 2022 has been scheduled for Sunday, May 15 and will be an “In Person” event this year!  So, save the date!  Last year even though the Walk to Build was primarily a “virtual” event, UUCB raised over $9000.  Let’s see if we can surpass that amount this year.

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Charities with Soul

March’s Charity:  The ILAP (Immigrant Legal Advocacy Project)

The Immigrant Legal Advocacy Project (ILAP) helps low-income immigrants improve their legal status and works for more just and humane laws and policies affecting immigrants.

As Maine’s only state-wide immigration legal services non-profit, we are committed to advancing justice and equity through direct legal services, community outreach, and advocacy. At ILAP, individuals and families can get the immigration legal help they need to find safety from violence, keep their families together, advance towards economic security, and build new lives here in Maine.

ILAP directly supports over 3,000 people each year and impacts many more through our advocacy efforts with partners. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve worked hard to ensure immigrants across the state remain connected to legal support and have access to reliable immigration information, including launching an Immigrant Children’s Project, a Mendez Rojas Project to support asylum seekers, an emergency response with Maine’s Afghan community, among our ongoing work.

Thank you for considering supporting ILAP! All gifts will be put to work helping Mainers navigate the unjust immigration laws we have now, while we work together to re-imagine an immigration system that honors all families without exception.

You can learn more about our organization at For the latest legal and advocacy news, follow us on Facebook or sign up for our “Golden Door” email updates. Thank You. 

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Concerts for a Cause

Pretty Girls Sing Soprano

Saturday, March 12 @7:30 pm
Doors open at 6:30

SEATING IS LIMITED, so get your tickets early.

Since their inception Pretty Girls Sing Soprano have quickly turned heads and gained a loyal following with their tight, clever and original harmonies. Ingrid Ayer-Richardson, Susan Mathews and Deana Gurney have combined voices to share their love of acoustic and acapella music. The Pretty Girls will sing to your soul and leave you with a smile as they perform a variety of songs from bluegrass, folk, traditional to country and rock-n-roll. If you enjoy good music with top-notch vocals you need to check out Pretty Girls Sing Soprano.


Tickets:  Adults: $12 in advance, $15 at door, Students & Children: $5

Available at the church office or

Paul Sullivan

Save the Date

Saturday, May 14  @ 7:30 pm

Grammy Award winner Paul Sullivan is the consummate musician’s musician. He is a pianist, composer, and performer who has performed around the world with everyone from the Paul Winter Consort to Leonard Bernstein. He is fluent in a wide range of styles from Jazz to orchestral, and has written music for theater, dance, choirs, and corporate advertising. He has 15 CDs on the River Music label.


Profits raised from this season’s concerts will support the
Mid Coast Hunger Prevention Program
and Immigrant Legal Advocacy Project.

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