Covid 19 Update

Policies revised after the June 21, 2022 Task Force meeting

The Team’s primary goals are to minimize infection risk, and to continue exploring methods to maximize a sense of warmth, spirituality and connection to UUCB.

Regarding Sunday services:

  • Total attendees/seats 160. Maintain chair set-up in “old style” (2 aisles in main sanctuary space), extend into Fellowship Hall as needed to seat 160.
  • Windows are open or closed as determined by the weather and worship associate (Windows not relevant to COVID risk in this big space).
  • Everyone must wear a mask (exceptions: anyone on the chancel may remove mask when speaking also performers/singers/readers of stories
  • Everyone who is NOT on the chancel must wear a mask.
  • When speaking, anyone ON the chancel may remove mask–including performers/singers/readers of stories.
  • Choir members standing on chancel steps should be masked.
  • Masked congregants may sing.
  • Services will continue to be streamed.
  • Nursery-open as needed. Parents must supervise.
  • Coffee hour following services is online only at present.
  • RE will begin to meet (in MMB Room and Group Room) on 9/18 for the new church year.
  • On 9/11 there will be an In-gathering, following worship

Regarding rooms for group meetings:

  • Conveners must put date/time on the Calendar (to avoid double-bookings), and must notify the Administrator of any/all group meetings.
  • Up to 12 attendees may convene in the MSR or Wendell Berry room, with an air purifier on.
  • The MMB Room may accommodate 15. 2 air purifiers should be on. If more than 12 are present in MMB Room, small classroom windows should be open.

Regarding Concerts:

  • Rental agreement is in process of revision. (not a TF responsibility)
  • Concert Rules will be distributed to all concert groups, with their contract.
  • Concert attendees agree that they are vaccinated (per signs on entry door); however, UUCB will not request proof of vaccination, or recent negative test.
  • UUCB may cancel if the Reopen TF (with concurrence of Board Chair) deems that the risk of infection/viral transmission is too high.
  • A maximum of 160 seats are available for concert attendees; performers, techs, AV helpers, etc. do not count towards 160 attendees total.
  • When the sanctuary is rented, no additional rentals are permitted.
  • No scheduled Reopen TF meeting in July/August. Next meeting 9/19 at 1:00