7/16/23  What Are You Doing?

Led by Reverend Al Boyce
In the Old Testament story of Elijah having a conversation with the Divine, he is found by God hiding out from his perceived enemies in a cave. God asks: “What are you doing, HERE?”  How often do our values challenge us to the point we just want to run away from them to some safe cave, knowing it’s not where we belong. Al’s sermon will reflect on this dilemma.
Rev. Dr. Al Boyce began ministry over 35 years ago as an evangelical minister.  After attending Harvard Divinity School he became a Unitarian Universalist parish minister in 1988.  Al also holds a Masters Degree in Psychology/Counseling and  PhD in psychology. Al has served parishes in Chester Depot, Vermont, founded a Unitarian Universalist church in downtown Miami, Florida and served the Plainfield, New Jersey Unitarian Universalist congregation.   Today, Al is a chaplain for Volunteers of America Northern New England while speaking regularly at Unitarian Universalist and Congregational churches.  He lives in Dexter, Maine with husband, Andrew, and standard poodles, Luke and Louie.

Music by Grace Lewis-Mclaren