10/22/23 The “Gift” of Heritage?

Led by Rev. Dr. Kharma Amos  

As we dive deeper into our monthly theme of “The Gift of Heritage,” let’s consider some of the questions people seem to have about heritage. When is our heritage a gift of pride? When might it be accompanied by shame and guilt about the actions of our ancestors? What about those who don’t have a connection with biological familial heritage? What about the cultural heritage we literally “inherit” based on our social location? What about the hidden heritages we have that demonstrate a much deeper diversity that lies beneath the surface of our similarities? Today is a day to explore the questions together. Coincidentally, this is the day that Rev. Kharma will “deliver” on her Spring auction item of incorporating 10 words in this sermon that were specified by the winning bidder (Glenn Williams).

Music by Ann Hartzler