2/11/24 Turning Towards Each Other: building the kin-dom of heaven

Led by guest minister, Rev Jodi Cohen Hayashida
How do we hold onto and create hopeful, hope-filled communities when so much of what surrounds us seems oriented towards encouraging despair? We ground ourselves in an ever-expanding understanding of “us” and take hold of the power that we build together.

After serving the First Universalist Church of Auburn for over 20 years, this past spring  Rev. Jodi began a new ministry organizing a statewide movement called Multi-faith Justice Maine under the auspices of the Maine People’s Alliance.  In addition, she serves on the board and Public Policy Committee of the Maine Council of Churches, serves as tri-chair of the Maine Poor People’s Campaign, and works with the harm reduction community.  She has two daughters, one of whom is, impossibly, in her freshman year of college, a husband, and, at this time of year, many, many mice who happily share their home.

Music by Will Bristol