Worship Service for March 22, 2020

Dear Ones,

I hope you are all doing well in these exceedingly strange times. I am attaching this week’s worship service, brought to you with considerable help from Jud Caswell, who edited all the a/v files so that we could include music this week. Jud, Marsey, Eleanor, and Sam Caswell all grace this service with their beautiful singing. How wonderful to hear hymns from our very own hymnal as well as Jud’s own composition about our church bell!

Preaching to a camera is cannot even compare to preaching to a room full of people. I miss you all – your faces, your thoughts, your presence. But, as I look into the camera, I try to imagine myself in our lovely sanctuary looking at all of you, and that helps considerably!

You may be interested to know that a small group of people are working on bringing us “virtual coffee hours” via the Zoom teleconferencing tool very soon. Our modified newsletter, due out in the coming week, will explain how to participate. Zoom is not the same as in-person, face-to-face contact, but it helps a great deal to bring some semblance of connection with loved ones. I encourage you to try it.

Be safe and well.

