Worship Service for March 29, 2020

Dear Ones,

I write with the link to this week’s worship service. You can find the service here:

(Please note: We have moved our virtual worship services to a new YouTube channel: UUCBAV. If you subscribed after watching our March 15 or March 22 service, you will need to resubscribe in this new location. Subscribing to the channel will provide you with an automatic notification whenever we post something new there. Subscribing is not necessary, but you may find it more expedient.)

This week’s service was made possible by many helpers:

  • Derek Herzer, the Caswell family, and Louise Gephart all contributed musical offerings.
  • Toben Cooney-Callnan read a passage from Charlotte’s Web by EB White.
  • Cindy Parker and Louise Gephart read the reflection, “Don’t Just Do Something,” a sermon I wrote.
  • Glenn Williams began the service with words of welcome (including information about our new website – check it out at: https://www.uubrunswick.org/), and Stephanie Bernier gave the benediction.
  • Jud Caswell did all the editing to make one complete service out of many pieces.

I am sure you will join me in thanking our contributors who have made it possible for us to have one more connection to our church in these strange times.

Love to all of you,
