12/6/20 Advent
“A Season of Waiting” is a service led by Rev. Justine Sullivan with a Board Welcome from Cindy Parker and music from the UUCB Choir and Jud Caswell.
“A Season of Waiting” is a service led by Rev. Justine Sullivan with a Board Welcome from Cindy Parker and music from the UUCB Choir and Jud Caswell.
“Gratitude as a Spiritual Practice” is a service of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Brunswick, ME, led by Rev. Justine Sullivan, with a Time for All Ages by Tobin Cooney-Callnan, DRE, a welcome from Paul Peranteau, readings from Carol Briggs, Stephanie Bernier, Sienna Dode, Louise Gephart, Mary Larson and Pat Moore, and music from Ambrosia,
11/22/20 Thanksgiving Read More »
Saturdays, November 7, 14, and 21 11 am to 1 pm During the summer months, the Membership Committee of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Brunswick (UUCB) began selling their newly printed cookbooks on the sidewalk in front of the church. The sales have been profitable, but the goal is to sell ALL the cookbooks to raise
Cookbook Sales Continue for the Holidays Read More »
We had a wonderful Ingathering Service to mark the beginning of our new church year on September 13th. It was great to see so many of us together for our Water Communion, if only on our screens. As the title of Jus- tine’s reflection reminded us, Something Happens When We Gather. A lot is happening
“It is a serious thing just to be alive on this fresh morning in this broken world.” — Mary Oliver Transitions are hard, aren’t they? A few weeks ago, I finally took the roof box off my car, a signal that I was here and ready to settle in. But my phone GPS kept telling
A Word from Our Interim Minister Read More »