
Rev. Stocker asks, “Who are our heroes? And why? What do we tell our children?” In preparing this sermon, Rev. Stocker asked the congregation to tell her who their heroes are. Here she reports back on what she heard.

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World Series Champs

World Series Champs My father was born in 1918, just a few months before the Boston Red Sox won the World Series. A tiny baby, he couldn’t appreciate that sweet victory, but he carried a deep love for the Red Sox for his entire life. Most of the time, he watched the games on television.

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Sumac Leaves

Sumac Leaves A few weeks ago I passed a stand of sumac bushes on my walk. Something about the way the sun struck the leaves maximized their brilliance. Deep reds offset by lustrous yellows and oranges filled me with awe. I stopped to take it all in, regretting I didn’t have my camera with me.

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Autumn Reflection

Autumn Reflection Fall seems to be taking its own sweet time falling this year. I still have a yellow lily blooming in my yard long after the frosts should be well behind us. Still, I feel my body, heart, and mind settling in for the darker season. Some changes are already apparent. The hours of

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