The Brink

In the buildup to a possible military strike against Syria, Rev. Stocker considers both the Just War theory and an emerging new theory: Just Peacemaking.

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Whose Body

Fifty years ago – in May 1963 – the Unitarian Universalist Association passed its first resolution on choice. Ours was the first religious tradition to officially endorse a woman’s right to reproductive choice.

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Agnus Dei — Perseverence

Agnus Dei This year, as the organizing theme for Music Sunday, the Worship Committee chose perseverance – especially in the face of transitions. Certainly our congregation is in transition. And we have persevered, continuing the work of our church in our changed and challenging circumstances. Here is a story about music and perseverance. In my

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Veterans’ Day 11/11/11

Last week, just before the election, a campaigner showed up at my door. I listened as he described why I should vote a certain way. In the course of the conversation, I learned he was a veteran, returned from a tour in Iraq in 2009. I told him that for the past year, every week

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After the Fire

After the Fire There is story about the Buddha that goes something like this. After he became enlightened, the Buddha began to travel around India. A man who encountered the Buddha recognized he was somehow extraordinary. So he asked the Buddha, “ Are you a god?” “No,” the Buddha answered. “An incarnation of a God?”

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The Art of Threshing

The Art of Threshing © Sylvia Stocker And so the autumn has come, with cool nights, pungent fragrances, bird migrations and mammalian hibernations. The autumn has come, with its bright colors, fiery before the long cold, a last gasp of liveliness before the long dormancy. The autumn has come – and the harvest to bring

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Youth Group Member Received Prestigious Award; Invited to White House Reception

Youth Group Member Received Prestigious Award; Invited to White House Reception This link brings you to an article about Danielle Smith, a member of our youth group, who received the Student Advocate of the Year award from GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network). Read the article — it’s inspirational! Dani has actively participated

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