8/27/23 Algorithmic Bias/Implicit Bias

Led by Steve Majercik & Pat Moore Steve’s reflection: Algorithmic Bias Sometimes life-changing decisions must be made – which applicant gets a mortgage, which patient receives extra proactive medical care, which prisoner gets paroled – and fairness demands that these decisions be made in an unbiased way. Decision makers sometimes use Artificial Intelligence software to

8/27/23 Algorithmic Bias/Implicit Bias Read More »

8/6/23  Liminality: What are the challenges and blessings of being in a state of unknowingness?

Rev Christine Sillari We will explore the concept of liminality. How do we navigate these crazy times and embrace the liminality in our lives to thrive? Rev. Christina Sillari discovered Unitarian Universalism in her late twenties after rejecting the oppressive religions of her childhood. While teaching and counseling through yoga, breath, sound, and shamanic techniques,

8/6/23  Liminality: What are the challenges and blessings of being in a state of unknowingness? Read More »