Annual Meeting 6/7/20 Minutes

June 7, 2020

Members present at the virtual meeting via Zoom: 70 – Quorum met.

Note: 145 members voted electronically, by paper or email. Vote tallies will be at the end of these notes.

  1. Call to order: Carol Evans, Moderator called the meeting to order at 11:35 AM
  2. Opening Words: Reverend Sylvia Stocker
  3. Reading of the Church Mission Statement and Congregational Covenant: Glenn Williams
  4. Approval of the minutes of the Congregational Meeting of June 9, 2019 – Cuffy Chase moved that the minutes of the Congregational Meeting of June 9, 2019 be approved. Bill Clark seconded. Vote will be taken by ballot.
  5. Financial Statements
    • Treasurer’s Report: Paul Peranteau
    • Finance Report and Budget Presentation for 2020-2021 – Paul Peranteau presented the financial report and budget for the next church year by stating that this is an optimistic budget based on what has happened this past year. He also noted that pledges have come in for next year totaling approximately $245,000. He also said that on line donations were getting better. He then explained the proposed budget line by line.

Stephanie Bernier questioned if the budget included a salary for the accompanist and piano tuning. Paul: The accompanist is included. He is not sure where the piano tuning is included.

Bill Clark asked if we have included payments for Jud Caswell’s assistance. Paul: Yes.

Lisa Durrell asked why there were no funds allocated for publicity. Paul: it was not requested.  We may need to add that later.

Heidi Neufeld asked if it was possible for Jud Caswell to become a staff member. Paul thought it best that he be paid by stipend. Heidi and many others expressed that Jud should be fairly compensated as he provides the technological expertise needed so we can hold our virtual services. Jud explained that it is taking more time (this week it was 15-20 hours), and he is most grateful for the support. This will be decided by the Board. Glenn noted that there is strong support for increasing Jud’s compensation.

Robin Hansen asked if there were funds for Green Sanctuary as money is needed for doing the wreaths for the Holiday Fair. Paul: This is included in the Holiday Fair expenses.

David Roundy asked for clarification on Concert for a Cause line item. Paul the expenses for Concert for a Cause are combined with the income and listed in the income portion of the presented budget.

Steve Wood asked about the Investment income. Paul explained that according to the bylaws up to 5% of the investment fund may be used to balance the budget. Steve asked if the investment fund is gaining or losing. Paul said that it currently about where it was three years ago. It hasn’t done as well in the past few years but was growing some until the pandemic crisis brought it back down.

Mike Heath asked if the Interim Minister’s salary will be the same as Sylvia’s plus 2%. Paul: Yes.

Carol McCoy noted that our virtual services are publicity as others who are not members are watching them. Glenn noted that we needed a volunteer to be a Publicity Coordinator including a Social Media Coordinator. Glenn noted that there is a job description for this position. Robin Hansen volunteered.

Betsy Williams asked for clarification as to whether the child care worker’s expenses are included in the Religious Exploration budget or in staff expenses. Paul: Staff expenses.

Paul reminded all present that budget’s change. The bylaws provide the necessary mechanism to make changes as needed.

Steve Loebs asked about the line item for Denominational Affairs. It was explained that money is for our UUA affiliation. Paul explained that if things got very serious, we might be able to change this. Several people as well as Sylvia expressed the need to continue being a Fair Share church as we gain much support through the UUA. Glenn noted that we received a great deal of help during the selection of the Interim Minister. Paul commented that being a Fair Share Member and paying our staff at the midpoint was significant in attracting applicants in the search process. We are urged to continue.  Betsy Roper asked how the Fair Share Amount is determined. Paul: The Fair Share amount is based on a percentage of our budget.

Glenn thanked Paul for his excellent work as Treasurer.

MOTION: To approve the board approved 2020-2021 budget.

Vote will be taken by ballot.

  1. Nominating Committee Report and presentation of candidates:

MOTION: Cuffy Chase moved that the Nominating Committee report be approved. Robin Hansen seconded. Vote will be taken by ballot.

Charlie Evans read the Nominating Committee report.

  • Open Trustee Positions – Three Open Trustee Positions:

Paul Peranteau – 2nd term expires 2023

Cindy Parker – 1st term expires 2023

Shannon Gilmore – 1st term expires 2023

  • Officer Nominations for 1 Year:

Glenn Williams – Board Chair

David Kew – Vice Chair

Cindy Parker – Treasurer

Bill Clark – Clerk

  • Moderator for one year:

Carol Evans

  • Nominating Committee:

Charles Evans – Chair (2nd term expires 2022)

Vicki Simpson – (2nd term expires 2022)

Jane Danielson – (2nd term expires 2022)

Mike Heath – (1st term expires 2022)

Glenn amended his Annual Report to say that Mary Larson’s term on the Board of Trustees is in error. Her term ends in 2020. Glenn commended Charlie and Mary for their roles on the board.

  1. MOTION: To approve the Board of Trustees recommendation that Reverend Sylvia Stocker be granted Minister Emerita status upon her retirement.

Glenn read the UUA description of Minister Emerita. In addition to the honor, if she is given that status, she will obtain a vote at any General Assembly as a representative of our church. Carol McCoy asked if there were any other special benefits. Glenn said this is symbolic but does not include any compensation.

Betsy Roper asked if Brad Mitchell will still be listed as Minister Emeritus on our letterhead. Glenn is not sure but doubts that he will be as once someone has died, he will not be listed on correspondence.

Vote will be by ballot.

  1. To consider any other business, as appropriate and agreed to by the assembled congregation.
  • Mike Heath and Carol reminded people of their need to vote.
  • The three options are: paper ballot, Survey Monkey or by emailing the Clerk, Mary Larson
  • Sue Michaud asked to amend her Annual Report from Concerts for a Cause to say that Tedford Shelter and Oasis Free Clinics were the charities benefitting from their concerts this year.
  • Glenn thanked Carol for her work as Moderator.
  1. Closing Words and Adjournment: Carol Evans thanked many for their work at the church this past year including: Paul Peranteau, Heidi Neufeld, Jud Caswell, Toben Cooney-Callnan, Sue Michaud and David Roundy for Concerts for a Cause, Working for Justice Steering Group, Membership Committee, Worship Committee, Shirley Bernier and Sylvia Stocker.

Meeting adjourned at 1:04 PM

Mary Larson, Clerk

Vote tally as of 6/12/20

  1. Motion to approve the minutes of 6/6/19 – 145 yes.
  2. Motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report – 144 yes, 1 abstention.
  3. Motion to approve the Trustee nominations – 145 yes.
  4. Motion to approve the Officer nominations – 143 yes, 2 no.
  5. Motion to approve the Moderator – 145 yes.
  6. Motion to approve the Nominating Committee report – 144 yes, 1 abstention.
  7. Motion to approve Minister Emerita status – 144 yes, 1 abstention.