
11/6/22 Be the Change

Worship Leader: Rev. Dr. Kharma Amos Music by: Nell Britton Change is our Soul Matters topic of the month, and we kick off our month of focus on change immediately before election day in the US. We Unitarian Universalists have a covenant to affirm and promote the right of conscience and the use of democratic process

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10/23/22 Spiritual Courage: The Quest for Meaning and Purpose

Worship Leader: guest minister, Pastor Daléne Fuller Rogers Music by: Nell Britton & the UUCB Choir Courage may be a form of spiritual practice towards what is difficult, painful, and sometimes unknown. The defining outgrowth of love is courage . We will reflect on how courage has been manifested in our own lives, and the

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October 2022 Parish Messenger

PDF Verion of Parish Messenger Minister’s Message | October Services | Religious Exploration | Pastoral Care | Board Update | Membership | Working for Justice: | Immigrant Justice | Indigenous Awareness | Teen Center | MUUSAN | Charities with Soul  | Holiday Fair |  Concerts for a Cause |  Art Gallery | Parish Messenger Deadline Minister’s Message

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