Worship Services & Videos

Information about each worship service, live stream, and recorded video.

7/9/23 What is “Healing” Within a Sick Society?

Led by Peter Blachly This reflection will be about the individual journey of healing from personal trauma. Peter Macdonald Blachly is the nephew of former long-time Brunswick UU members Daphne Holden, on his father’s side, and Dr. and Mrs. Peter Haughwout, on his mother’s side. His life-long quest for answers to life’s big questions has

7/9/23 What is “Healing” Within a Sick Society? Read More »

7/2/23 My Experience in Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare: Striving For Health, Compassion and Justice

Led by Alexis Nolan Alexis will share what her work has taught her about the roles of compassion, empathy, and stigma reduction in providing good health care and how this leads to progress towards the intersecting goals that we share as Unitarian Universalists. Alexis Nolan has been a nurse midwife for 13 years and is currently the Director

7/2/23 My Experience in Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare: Striving For Health, Compassion and Justice Read More »