Worship Services & Videos

Information about each worship service, live stream, and recorded video.

2/11/24 Turning Towards Each Other: building the kin-dom of heaven

Led by guest minister, Rev Jodi Cohen Hayashida How do we hold onto and create hopeful, hope-filled communities when so much of what surrounds us seems oriented towards encouraging despair? We ground ourselves in an ever-expanding understanding of “us” and take hold of the power that we build together. After serving the First Universalist Church

2/11/24 Turning Towards Each Other: building the kin-dom of heaven Read More »

1/21/24 Set Love Free

Led by guest speaker, Dr. Carla Sherrell In this service, we’ll reflect on the challenge of liberating love — i.e. setting Love free!  We’ll focus on the ways that love needs liberating inside ourselves and in the world. This requires that we resist minimizing the realities of oppression internally and externally, and that we be

1/21/24 Set Love Free Read More »

12/24/23 Our traditional Christmas Eve Service led by Rev Dr. Kharma Amos – The Mystery of Incarnate Love

7 pm  As we hear again the well-known story of the birth of Jesus, let’s ponder together the mysteries of incarnate love. More importantly, let’s take this opportunity to be intentional about how WE will incarnate/embody love in this world. Louise Gephart will provide gathering music on her harp before the service Music will be

12/24/23 Our traditional Christmas Eve Service led by Rev Dr. Kharma Amos – The Mystery of Incarnate Love Read More »