Worship Services & Videos

Information about each worship service, live stream, and recorded video.

10/15/23 Heritage, Accountability, and Righteous Living

Led by guest Judith Casselberry (Geoffrey Canada Associate Professor of Africana Studies Bowdoin College)   What is heritage? A Bloodline? A Political Line? A Spiritual line? How and why do we define our heritage in the ways that we do? What does that tell us about ourselves, our relationships, our obligations? Americans have a uniquely […]

10/15/23 Heritage, Accountability, and Righteous Living Read More »

10/8/23 We are the proof that decency, humanity, and hope – no, the expectation for wholeness and peace among us, is possible.

Led by guest minister Laura Ingerson.  Laura is involved with the Living Legacy Project, and in leading Living Legacy Pilgrimage Tours to important sites in the history of the American Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 60s.  The focus of this service is on this bold claim: We are the proof that decency, humanity,

10/8/23 We are the proof that decency, humanity, and hope – no, the expectation for wholeness and peace among us, is possible. Read More »

9/23/23 Installation Ceremony

On Saturday, September 23, 2023 at 2pm at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Brunswick, the Reverend Doctor Kharma Amos will be formally installed as the settled minister of our church. In a worship service followed by a celebratory reception, we will participate in the ceremonial recognition of Kharma’s role in our church community. Reverend Doctor

9/23/23 Installation Ceremony Read More »

8/27/23 Algorithmic Bias/Implicit Bias

Led by Steve Majercik & Pat Moore Steve’s reflection: Algorithmic Bias Sometimes life-changing decisions must be made – which applicant gets a mortgage, which patient receives extra proactive medical care, which prisoner gets paroled – and fairness demands that these decisions be made in an unbiased way. Decision makers sometimes use Artificial Intelligence software to

8/27/23 Algorithmic Bias/Implicit Bias Read More »