On Saturday, February 18th, Rev. David K. North will present a choir workshop open to anyone, and participants in that workshop will have an opportunity to provide music for our Sunday worship, at which David will provide a sermon with song. (It is not mandatory for participants to take part in the Sunday service.)
David North has been the Director of Mosaic Harmony, an interfaith choir in the greater Washington DC area, for 26 years. Mosaic Harmony, which is dedicated to promoting diversity and inclusion, seeks to inspire audiences to embrace ALL people. “Think UU words set to black gospel music.”
Here are two links to youtube clips with David and Mosaic Harmony:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0WAzgKouwY (Soon I Will Be Done, traditional African American spiritual)
- https://vimeo.com/645337574 (One Humankind, a song by David K. North)

David has produced and performed on multiple recordings and has been a soloist at the Kennedy Center with the Men and Women of the Gospel. In addition, he has played the lead role of Oedipus in The Gospel at Colonus at the Capitol Hill Arts Workshop and at the H Street Playhouse of Washington, DC. David feels a special calling to be a “bridge person” in interfaith opportunities, and he loves writing music that communicates peace, unity, and harmony.
To register, visit: https://forms.gle/tjUu3byF6oUQzXwC7 or contact administrator@uubrunswick.org
Suggested donation: $25 (not prohibitive) can be paid at the door by cash or check.