Maine Legislative Updates Available-MUUSAN

The Maine Unitarian Universalist State Advocacy Network (MUUSAN) currently has a focus on four areas of pending legislation:

  • Democracy in Action, including efforts to strengthen our democracy by informing and engaging voters, protecting voting rights, promoting civil discourse, instituting Ranked-Choice Voting, supporting Clean Election laws and reducing the importance of money in campaigns.​​
  • Health Care, including advocacy for universal health care, monitoring legislation that affects our healthcare system, and promoting public health interventions.
  • Climate Change, including support for fossil energy conservation, development of solar and other renewable sources, and educating legislators and the public about the urgent call to slow climate change (with special attention to our own precious Gulf of Maine).
  • Racial, Native and Immigrant Justice, addressing systemic oppression by advocating with and on behalf of racial, ethnic and indigenous populations and responding to the need to interrupt disparities in Maine’s legal and economic systems.

Rob Stuart is UUCB’s Congregational Legislative Liaison to MUUSAN. If you would like to receive updates on bills being considered and ways you can get involved, please contact him at  or call 207-479-2938.

There are many critically important issues being addressed.