Ministerial Search Update | Minister’s Message | May Services | Religious Exploration | Pastoral Care | Board Update | Pledge Drive | Worship Committee | From the Office | Legacy Giving | You are Invited! | Working for Justice | Immigrant Justice | Indigenous Awareness | Teen Center | MUUSAN | Habitat for Humanity | Charities with Soul | Concerts for a Cause | Classifieds |At Your Service | June Article Deadline
Ministerial Search Update
*** IMPORTANT Message from the Ministerial Search Team ***
Please remember we have a very important Congregational Meeting following the service on Sunday, May 1st. There will be a congregational vote on calling our next minister. Please make every effort to attend!
~ Many thanks from your grateful and excited Search Team!
Rev. Justine’s Message
To live in this world you must be able to do three things: to love what is mortal; to hold it against your bones knowing your own life depends on it; and, when the time comes to let it go, to let it go. ~ Mary Oliver
As I write these words to you, your ministerial candidate is preparing to meet you, and you are busily planning and dreaming about the events for “Candidating Week.” Finally, after 2 years of interim and many months before that when Rev. Sylvia first told you of her plans to retire … finally, that moment of “what’s next” is arriving. I am so excited for you and for Rev. Kharma Amos, whom I have admired from afar for some time and am now delighted to get to know and to share with her my love and appreciation for you.
And there’s the rub, moving on to this next moment for you (and for me, more about that in a moment) means that we have to say farewell. We knew it was coming, this goodbye between us, and yet in what never ceases to astound me, you all gave your heart to me, and I gave mine to you – even though we knew it would only be a short while that we would have together. I am grateful for the trust you have placed in me, the dreams and worries and above all, love that you have shared with me. It has been a good, a marvelous two years.
Some of you will have heard about this in worship on April 17th, but let me share it here as well, that I have my next job lined up. You might remember that Dale and I have been living in two places during my “away missions,” with her holding down the fort in Massachusetts and me serving somewhere east of the Mississippi (that has been our agreement), and both of us trying to get to where the other is as often as possible. Well, after four years of that, we have decided to put our house on the market and be nomads together, traveling together to wherever my next ministry might be. Because of that plan to be together, we were able to consider a wider area in which to seek a ministry job. Drum roll….. sometime in July Dale, Callie, and I will be moving to San Diego! I have taken a job there as senior developmental minister at First UU San Diego; and because it is a larger church with some big challenges, my contract there will be for four years. Four years in sunny San Diego. It will be a great adventure for us and a wonderful opportunity for me in ministry,
Over the next two months, we will take time to review the important work you have done, that we have done together. First and foremost, you stayed together through this most trying time. You found ways to stay connected to each other and to make a connection to a minister that most of you never saw except for on your computer screen for the entire first year of our time together. I marvel quite often that it worked, that we found a way to be together even when we couldn’t *be* together. I can’t think of anyplace I’d rather be, any group with whom I would rather be marooned on Covid Island. What a time this has been. So we will look back with gratitude on all that was and make note of what might be some next steps. And we will take time to say goodbye, to express our appreciation for each other. We will also take time (finally!) to celebrate the ministry of your beloved Sylvia Stocker and her and Steve’s presence in this community over 13 years. We’ll gather outside, where we can sing, hug, cry, and break bread together – all the things that Sylvia expressed were important to her in any such gathering. So do join us on Saturday, May 14th 11:30 – 2:30. Bring a dish to share and a song in your heart. Something happens when we gather.
I look forward to spending these final weeks at UUCB with you to celebrate our time together and to acknowledge our sorrow in parting. Just as it should be.
Peace and love to you,
Rev. Justine Sullivan
Interim Minister, UUCB
UUCB Services in May
May 1 – Candidating Week! This second Sunday of Candidating week includes a worship service led by our ministerial candidate Rev. Dr. Kharma Amos, followed by a Congregational meeting for Discernment and Voting to call the new minister. The service will feature music from Nell Britton, the UUCB choir, and other musicians in the congregation.
May 8 – Mother’s Day: Songs of Peace – Mother’s Day began as a call for peace. We will continue that tradition as we honor mothers, parents, and Mother Earth. Rev. Justine Sullivan will lead the service with a Time for All Ages from DRE Toben Cooney-Callnan and music by Nell Britton and the UUCB choir.
May 15 – Belonging: A Celebration of Membership – although we are still not all the way back to the way things were before the pandemic, we continue to find ways to be together. At this service, we will celebrate all the people who have joined UUCB since March of 2020 as they sign our membership book. Something happens when we gather! Rev. Justine Sullivan will lead the service with music by period instrument duo Guts Baroque and our own Nell Britton.
May 22 – Wasn’t that a time! In this service we will pay tribute to you: the members and friends and most especially the many dedicated leaders of UUCB and all the fine work you have done over these two years of our interim time together. Rev. Justine Sullivan will lead the service with a Time for All Ages from DRE Toben Cooney-Callnan and music by Nell Britton and the UUCB choir.
May 29 – Memorial Day: Mending What has been Torn Asunder. In this service we will honor Memorial Day, a response to the horrible losses incurred during the U.S. Civil War. Rev. Justine Sullivan will lead the service with a Time for All Ages from DRE Toben Cooney-Callnan and music by Nell Britton.
Join us in the sanctuary or watch us live on youtube at UUCB AV.
Religious Exploration
FPUUCB Youth Sunday
Our amazing Youth Group, which is a shared ministry between First Parish UU Portland and UUCB, will be leading a Youth Sunday Worship Service on May 15th at First Parish in Portland.
The service will be live-streamed from First Parish Portland at 10am and can be found on for later viewing.
The youth have selected the music and readings and we have several First Parish youth who will be offering their reflections and then Bridging. Youth Sunday is always a fun and unique event and we are excited to be able to offer it to both churches.
Pastoral Care Notes
- Louise Gephart and Bill Kunitz welcomed Aila MacDonald to our family on March 22. She joins her big sister, Fiona, and her parents, Abi Kunitz and Tom MacDonald.
- Sienna is excited to be participating in the 10 x 10 show sponsored by the ArtVan, which starts on April 20 at The Frontier in Brunswick.
Loving Thoughts
Please lift up the family of Erica Shae, and their six year old son, Kamden Dean. He has been placed in hospice care resulting from an aggressive, cancerous brain tumor that has evaded all treatments since it’s discovery less than a year ago. This is not a local family, but an online colleague of Rebecca Waddle’s.
You can learn more about sweet Kamden at
or on the family’s public Facebook page:
To share your joys & sorrows:
- Write them in the book in the fellowship hall when you arrive for Sunday service
- Send them by email to
- All joys & sorrows are read by a pastoral care associate during Sunday worship service.
UUCB Board Update
Good grief- it must be spring! I spent the past week going through my house like a whirlwind- organizing, organizing, organizing. I think of myself as a pretty organized person. For many years there was a rule at my house, if something new comes in, something old goes out to friends, family or Goodwill. That rule served me quite well to keep clutter at a minimum until COVID hit. I have to say that after five days or so of sorting, culling, cleaning the deck, putting the outdoor furniture out and organizing the garage my life seems incredibly lighter. Of course, now I see the weeds beginning to sprout along the foundation plantings…
After playing tennis inside all winter, I’m looking forward to playing outside, especially on the Pinetree Farms courts with a friendly lunch afterwards. We have many laughs both on and off the court. We play hard to win, but decline to take ourselves too seriously, my kind of game!
In mid-March I had an invite from my daughter to go for dinner and hear Saturday Night Live comedian, John Mulaney at the Cross Center in Portland with her and her friend. After such a long time away from crowds, it was pretty un-nerving to be in a group of over 6,000 people, most of whom were unmasked, yikes! I wore my mask, and luckily none of us contracted COVID from that event. Lots of laughs, quite an experience, but I was way out of my comfort zone.
I’m coming up on the end of the first year of my two-year term on the UU Board. It has been a great experience to see first-hand how thoughtful and on top of things this dedicated group of folks are. I had served a couple of terms on the Board many years ago but it’s easy to forget how wonderful it is to have so many people over the years who have given so much of their time and talent to keeping our church the special place that it continues to be. I hope if you are asked to serve in the future, you will say yes and lend us your time and talent.
Exciting Events on the Horizon:
The wonderful, hardworking Search Team has chosen a candidate for our settled minister, Rev. Dr. Kharma Amos who will be here with us for Candidating Week, April 24th -May 1st when we hold our congregational vote. We invite you to join us after church on Sunday May 1st to lend your voice to the vote. There will be an opportunity to vote on Zoom if you are unable to be here in person. More details to come in church announcements.
As we look to our new settled minister, we want to celebrate our former settled minister, Rev. Sylvia Stocker and her husband, Steve Wellcome. Because of COVID we postponed our celebration of her thirteen years of service at UUCB. Sylvia led us through the process of building our current church after the devastating fire of the old Victorian church. She attracted many new members with her energy, wisdom, humor and welcoming demeanor. Under her leadership, we grew from a small, family-sized church to a mid-sized church.
So please come celebrate with us on
Saturday, May 14th 11:30-2:30
at the home of
Janice Thompson & Jeremy Jones 923 Harpswell Neck Road,
next door to the Kellogg church.
This is a cold pot-luck lunch with music, laughter and camaraderie.
Our Interim Minister, Rev. Justine Sullivan will be bidding us adieu mid-June. We will celebrate her two years of leadership during the COVID crisis – not an easy task – at an after-church celebration. Details to come.
Jessica Tracy
UUCB Board of Trustees
Annual Pledge Drive
Many thanks to all of you who have made a pledge for next year’s budget. Our total now stands at $219,922 from 104 pledges, (at last count, 2 weeks before you’re reading this article).
Will we make our goal? Here’s how your optimistic pledge team looks at it:
- There are still $16,554 in pledges from people who use our “auto pay” function and we count to continue, although they haven’t yet confirmed that.
- There are also $24,502 in pledges from others who pledged last year, not yet heard from.
- If all of these came in, our new total would be $260,978, which would reduce the deficit budget that we anticipate even with our goal of $250,000.
So, if you’re one of the people we’re counting on who loves to procrastinate, head for the online “Donate” button on the church’s website or give the office a call. We’d be so proud to announce to our new minister that we have 100% participation and have exceeded our goal.
From the Worship Committee
Your worship committee is beginning to plan for the summer, and we would love for members and friends from UUCB to lead or help lead our summer services.
The general theme for the summer services is “What Makes You Come Alive?” from Howard Thurman’s “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do that because what the world needs are people who have come alive.”
Dates are available starting Sunday, June 19 through Labor Day Weekend, Sunday September 4th.
Our music director Nell Britton will be off for the month of July, returning in August. Therefore, the Music Committee is also working to find guest musicians for July.
This is a wonderful opportunity for folks to share their own spiritual journeys, observations, and questions. Summer services tend to be a little shorter, a little more informal, so if you have an idea or a question, please sing out!
Our gracious and helpful worship associates will work with you in the planning of your service. If you are interested, please email Rev. Justine at .
From the Church Office
If you are the Chairperson(s) in charge of a committee, group, task force or the like, it’s time to prepare your Annual Report for FY July 1, 2021- June, 30, 2022. If you need a copy of last year’s report, please contact the Church Office.
Please consider including the following in your Annual Report:
- List committee members with year each person joined the committee/task force/group.
- Identify committee chair and indicate the year that person assumed leadership.
- State the charge to (purpose of) the committee.
- Describe the committee goals set for the past year.
- Summarize those goals accomplished and those still needing attention.
- Anticipate issues/changes that impact ongoing functioning of committee.
- Express appreciation when/where appropriate.
Once your report is completed you can……
- E-mail your report to the church office ()
- Mail it to UUCB, PO Box 129, Brunswick ME 04011
- Hand Deliver it to the Church Office Tue – Fri 10am-4pm
- Leave it in the mail box outside the church office.
All reports are due by Friday, May 20 to allow staff time to prepare the Annual Report for the Annual Congregational Meeting in June.
Legacy Giving
Ways to sustain our beloved church
One of the elements of our church covenant states, “…Give generously of our time, energy, talent, and money.” Our love for our church community, the services and the social outreach work, move us to do whatever we can. This was true even in a year when we could not be together. Over the last year, we were increasingly aware of how much UUCB means in our lives. Our support of the church and its mission is one way to feel we are making the world a better place for all.
We all think about how to shape the world for the greater good during, and even after, our lifetimes. Now it is possible to make a legacy gift so that the work of our church is sustained even after we are gone.
Please consider making a planned gift to our UUCB Legacy Giving Program. A gift of any size will be added to investments which contribute to longer term needs including church programming and community outreach. This might be planned through a gift by will, through retirement funds, life insurance, a charitable gift annuity or a gift during your lifetime.
To receive a brochure, please contact Carol Evans: or (207) 406-4417
Shirley Bernier, UUCB Office Administrator: or (207) 729-8515
You are Invited!
Working For Justice Justice
Immigrant Justice
Mid Coast New Mainers Group and others working with new Mainers anticipate welcoming more asylum seeking families to the Bath Brunswick area as housing becomes available.
- Several items are needed for a new Mainer family in Bath:
- a child carrier seat for a bicycle
- a small hand cart/carrier for transporting groceries on foot
- a sturdy/heavy duty stroller
- a queen size bed frame
- If you are able to help with any of these items, or to learn more about volunteering as a member of a family support team, contact Cathey Cyrus ().
Of more urgency, Freeport Community Services (53 Depot Street, Freeport) is overseeing the daily needs of the many asylum seeker families temporarily housed in a Freeport motel.
- FCS especially requests help with transportation and financial contributions to continue their efforts.
- Visit the FCS website at or call 865-3985 for more information about how to help.
Indigenous Awareness

This is an active and important time for legislation impacting Maine’s tribes. Hearings and voting are in process that will have enormous implications for tribal sovereignty and therefore the quality of life for the Wabanaki people and for state/tribal relations. MUUSAN will provide a legislative update in the June newsletter.
Teen Center
March was a very busy month for the Teen Center– 20 to 23 teens visited each day and about 34 new members signed up. Many new Mainers have become members or have visited the Center. Some who don’t speak English fluently are accompanied by a friend who translates.
After checking on the Center’s computers, the Bowdoin College IT department brought 6 – 8 replacements and possibly 8 more later on. The van shared by the Center and People Plus is fully paid for and registered, and the staff are now obtaining parental permissions for picking up the teens after school.
The two Bowdoin College students who are coordinating volunteers for the Gelato Fiasco Scoop-a- Thon, on April 27 (11 am – 11 pm) have done an amazing job of filling all the slots with students as well as instructors.
Our own Judd Caswell and family will offer entertainment that day from 6 – 7pm.
Since Jordan, the director, will be on vacation from May 1- 14, it would be helpful if any UUCB members would like to drop off more snacks or even provide a meal Monday thru Thursday. You’re always welcome to drop in for a visit as well.
Jordan thanks all of the UUCB members who donate snacks, drinks, money and meals. She gives a special shout out to the person who recently brought some chocolate chip cookies, which all thought were fantastic.
MUUSAN – Maine Unitarian Universalist State Advocacy Network

MUUSAN Network Meeting
Saturday, May 14 ~ 10AM – Noon
Spiritual Leadership and Political Advocacy for a Climate Changed World
with Speakers:
- Rep. Seth Berry will talk about the Our Power (Pine Tree Power) referendum campaign.
- Emily Rochford from Maine Youth for Climate Justice
- Register at
Habitat for Humanity
Spring Walk to Build 2022
The Habitat for Humanity/7RiversME
has been scheduled for
Sunday, May 15
and will be an “In Person” event this year!
It will start at the First Congregational Church in Wiscasset and should be a pretty area for the Walk that will include the site of the new Build which will start sometime in May or June.
You can provide support by:
- donating to individual walkers at
- or to Team UUCB:
Registration is from 1-2pm with the Walk starting at 2:00.
Signup and support information will be available at the church on Sundays through May 15. Contact Gretchen Kamilewicz or Cuffy Chase for further details.
Charities with Soul
Our Charities with Soul are supported exclusively with contributions to the “plate” passed every Sunday during the service or virtually.
Three ways to give:
- At, click “Donate Online” Choose the “Plate” option
- Text the amount of your donation to (855) 962-0440, and follow the prompts to complete your donation
- Mail a check to: PO Box 129, Brunswick ME 04011, Memo Line: “plate”
May’s Charity:
The mission of the Oasis Free Clinics is to strengthen our community by providing no-cost medical, dental and prescription assistance services to our uninsured neighbors in need. The vision is a thriving community that cares for all of its members. We serve adults 18-64 who live in the towns of Freeport, Durham, Brunswick, Harpswell, and Sagadahoc County.
For the past two years, we have served as the primary medical and dental home for adult asylum seekers and immigrants living in the Midcoast. We are committed to providing care that is linguistically and culturally appropriate, so in addition to the telephonic language line that we have used for several years, we have added two part-time community health outreach workers to our team. Over 70 of our patients have a primary language other than English.
Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, approximately 50% of Oasis patients were diagnosed with mental health-related conditions including depression, anxiety, bipolar illness, and post-traumatic stress disorder. This has increased significantly as a result of the additional stress caused by COVID-19. To address this need, we added a Mental Health Coordinator to our team. She has developed a counseling referral program, added graduate level student counselors, and provides case management.
For more information, please visit
Charities with Soul — 2022-2023 Ballot
Ballots will start being collected Sunday, 4/24
Concerts for a Cause
Paul Sullivan
Saturday, May 14 @ 7:30 pm
Award-winning pianist and composer Paul Sullivan will perform live to raise money for this season’s charities: Mid Coast Hunger Prevention Program and the Immigrant Legal Advocacy Project.
Paul Sullivan has enjoyed a richly varied and distinguished career as a composer and a pianist. His music blends jazz, classical, and new age styles. As a soloist, with his trio, and as a member of the Paul Winter Consort, he has played concert tours in most of the United States and Europe, as well as the Middle East, Central America, and Asia. Sullivan has worked in some of New York’s most prestigious jazz clubs as well and played with a wide variety of masters. His 18 CDs have sold over 300 thousand copies and have won 3 Indie Awards.
His music has been broadcast internationally, as well as on all the major American networks, including National Public Radio. He received a Grammy Award for his work on the Paul Winter Consort CD, Silver Solstice. In the theater world, he has worked as a Musical Director, pianist, and conductor for many Off-Broadway and Broadway shows. Sullivan also received commissions to write two musicals, including “The Last Ferryman” for which he wrote both the music and lyrics. He has worked extensively in the Modern Dance world, playing piano for Merce Cunningham’s classes, and writing music for the Rockettes at Radio City Music Hall.
He has also enjoyed a long friendship with the Pilobolus Dance Theater, for whom he has written close to 20 scores. Add to that composing and playing music for films, corporate productions including the IBM Golden Circle Awards, and a very happy three-year stint as the Music Teacher at the Brooklin Maine Elementary, and you get the picture: A long, lovely, lucky career, which shows no signs of stopping.
For the May 14th Concert, Paul will be playing a mix of original music from his CD’s, some new compositions he has been working on, some favorites from the American Songbook, and perhaps some Chopin.
Adults: $20 in advance, $25 at door, Students & Children: $10
Tickets available after church services, in the church office,
or online at
Profits raised from this season’s concerts will support the
Mid Coast Hunger Prevention Program
and Immigrant Legal Advocacy Project.
Heather Masse & Jed Wilson
Save the Date
Saturday, June 25
Heather was a regular guest on “A Prairie Home Companion” as a solo performer or doing duets with Garrison Keillor, or as a member of popular folk group, The Waylin’ Jennys.
Heather and Jed were both jazz majors at New England Conservatory of Music giving them a unique approach to jazz, folk, pop, & bluegrass.
Art Gallery
- Help us solve a mystery! Several years ago, the Gallery Committee received the gift of a folio of prints by the American artist Leonard Baskin. We don’t know who donated them. We want to appraise, frame, or possibly sell them. We’d like to discuss it with the donor. If you have any information or clues about solving this mystery please contact Joanne Allen
- Please visit the May Sarton Room this month to see some wonderful photographs of India by Paul Peranteau. Several are included here, as well. Paul will also show some of his photographs of the Netherlands at church in June. Thank you Paul.



Having had exceptional art teachers in school, I began dabbling with watercolor paints in my 50’s and became hooked. I went on to take classes at the NH Institute of art and weeklong workshops with several highly regarded professional watercolor artists. As a member and gallery manager for an art association in NH, I painted and sold many paintings and was involved in exhibits at local venues. Last year, I participated in two workshops on painting people and created portraits which will be part of this exhibit.
My interest is primarily in using light, color and contrast to capture the natural beauty of something which appeals to me. I often find exciting things to paint. My subjects vary widely, and include farm scenes, animals, landscapes, florals, boats, faces and still life arrangements. During periods of painting, I perceive things much more keenly: shapes and silhouettes, light and shadows are heightened. This is the best reason to create, so that we might truly see. While painting, I am completely absorbed, humming, and unaware of everything but the work in front of me. I hope you enjoy seeing my paintings!
Carol Evans, UUCB member
At Your Service
Cat Sitting
UUCB member, Lynn Ellis offers reliable and reasonably priced cat sitting services. Contact:
WANTED: Jewelry for the UUCB Holiday Fair Table
Spring cleaning? Downsizing?
Keep your eyes open for jewelry you no longer want!
The success of our Church Fair depends in part on donations of costume jewelry from all of you. The jewelry team will clean and polish your long-loved treasures, and then present them beautifully for someone else to purchase and love.
Donations do not need to be elegant! You can hold onto them for now, or drop things off at Lisa Durrell’s, or let her know if you’d like it picked up. There is generally a jewelry basket in the back of the church. If you’d like to be part of the Jewelry Team and help with the sorting/polishing, we’d love to have you!
For more information, email Lisa Durrell at