Special Congregational Meeting 1/31/21 Minutes

Unitarian Universalist Church of Brunswick
Special Congregational Meeting
January 31, 2021 at 11:00 A.M. Via Zoom


Call to order: Carol Evans, Moderator (Quorum present: 4, 25-person screens opened on Zoom.)
Opening Words: Reverend Justine Sullivan

Reading of Church Mission Statement & Congregational Covenant: Glenn Williams

Meeting overview:​ Carol Evans

Committee Reports:​ ​Working for Justice, J​ ane Danielson;
​The BLM:Doing the Work group is offering two events — a discussion on Feb.

9 of the film “These Reunited States” and a discussion series of the podcast “Seeing White” hosted by Betsy Williams starting on Feb. 14. See the Parish Messenger for information about registering for these events.

Religious Exploration:​ Combining classes with First Parish (Portland); penpal program between Churches; Coming of Age Service done jointly; at present, 15 kids, and ministers at both Churches participate. Pleased with pick-up in activity. Sending out “packets” with information about what participants can do.

Toben mentions that with programs joined, he has a bit more time, and would like to consider an “Adult RE” program. Toben likes that this community is one of learners and seekers. What adults might do in such a program: some UU and other religions’ histories, death and dying (and other topics), journeying together, and developing a “credo” statement. Perhaps beginning in February? Someone asked: Why not “developing your own theology,” and Toben suggests that this could be discussed for consideration, later.

Update on Finances:​ Cindy Parker reports, and screen shares a summary document–Pasted in below. UUCB faces new expenses; first, up to $21,000 for online services, and second, $8,000 for new emergency exit door. UUCB faces a budget shortfall; no fundraisers, no rentals, etc., and expenses for online services, estimated at $21K total by June means about a $31K total shortfall. Doing well overall, financially, so UUCB can deal with this easily. The congregation has been generous. Perhaps we can even reach out more into the Community.

Many questions came up:
Will $21K cover until June-likely, yes.
Which accounts will cover budget shortfall? The 31K can come from current checking acct, or if needed, operating reserve. Exit door will come out of Long term Maintenance fund.
What’s the status of UUCB PPP loan? The issuer (our Credit Union) recommends we do not do paperwork at present, as no firm “rules” for moving from PPP loan to grant have been issued, yet.
What is the status of UUCB’s investment account? $558,000 at present.

Moderator notes that Congregational Approval is required for “unbudgeted expenses of > $5K”.

Board Member David Kew moves “​The board of trustees moves to expend up to $8,000 from the long-term maintenance fund to install an emergency exit on the Middle Street side of the church.​”

Bd Chair reviews the situation: Police suggested it when talking with UUCB about safety- getting participants out quickly is not possible with only the main entrance or the (small) exit door near the AV room. Permit for a new exit door in the west wall near the front has been approved by town and village review board. It is envisioned as “emergency” only, not to be used for routine entry/exit. It is noted that such a new exit will be wheelchair accessible- and will be near the foot of the ramp that leads up to the stage, will not interfere with the windows, look like the exit door near the AV room. The exterior will be consistent with current exterior façade (perhaps even shingled), and we will alter the plantings. Notably, the contractor (we are talking to a very experienced firm- Frohmiller) will attend to the “structural integrity” of our building. Would it be good to consult the architect- unfortunately, he is no
longer in business. No impact on windows, and our contractor will/must attend to integrity of the building. Will it be alarmed- note that there are not alarms on any other doors. Chair had noted that this project will take place in an uncertain time frame, possibly after this FY. We can attend to other details as we move forward.

Moderator called for a voice vote, and reread the motion. No one was opposed and there was 1 abstention

Motion to modify budget: David Kew reading: “​Board moves to Spend up to $21,000 for costs related to the production of online services.​”
Questions: Is there a cushion in case it runs over? Cushion already built in. What is the detail about the “technical” expense? Equipment- mike, camera for more professional look. Getting Choir and other music online. And Jud’s music is included here, also. Other technical services, mostly from Jud.

Voice Vote: Opposed 0. Abstain 0.

Transition Committee Report:​ Reverend Justine Sullivan
Members are: T Rumpf, J Caswell, M Heath, Carol Evans, M Larson. Main thing- the interim Minister focuses on key issues, and Congregants engage in important conversations. Appreciative Inquiry – type of small group conversations, “who is UUCB at our best?” We’ve had a good “trial” with the Board. Will start with others soon.

Second- pick Ministerial Search Team, who will nominate a new minister. “Always a pleasure; hard work, but very rewarding” according to Justine. To find the Search Team- UUA recommends that every member get a call asking, “who would you like to see on the Search Team? Be on the lookout for a call.” We would like to get a Team started by early spring.

Mike Heath: everyone (including non-members)will get an invitation through Sign-up Genius to participate in one of the conversations. Any process for those who want a phone call is not yet settled, but people could definitely call Justine. Further, anyone who is not “online” will be contacted by telephone, so that all can participate.
Closing Words and Adjournment: Reverend Justine Sullivan “Keep doing what you are doing- UUCB is doing so well!” “All shall be well; All manner of things will be well.” /Moderator seeks motion to adjourn

Glenn Williams moves adjournment S Loebs seconds. No opposition.
Budget Shortfall Projections: Revenues:

·  Plate (church only)
·  Fundraisers
·  Program income
·  Rentals

Net revenue shortfall (below budget) Expenditures
·  Technical Services
·  Music Stipends
·  Operations and Property

Net expenses overage (above budget) TOTAL SHORTFALL (below budget) Sources to cover operating shortfall: Cushion in checking account

Operating Reserve:
Long Term Maintenance Fund: PPP loan
$5800 less $11,500 less $1500 less $4000 less $23,800

$21,000 more $6500 less $7000 less $7500

$31,300 (about 10% of our total budget)

$50,000 $50,430 $81,892 $39,500