Special Congregational Meeting 4/18/21 Minutes

Carol Evans, Moderator, called the Zoom meeting to order at 1102 am. A quorum was present.
Rev. Sullivan stated that- “things are going well” with regard to finding UUCB’s next minister, despite not being present in person.
Board Chair Glenn Williams spoke the Mission Statement and the Congregational Covenant.
The purpose of this meeting is to consider and possibly ratify the Board’s recommendation of a 7-member Ministerial Search Team.  Only UUCB Members may vote.
128 names were suggested by congregants as possible Search Team members. Through a staged voting process, 7 people were recommended. Motion by the Trustees: “UUCB Board recommends the following slate: Tom Rumpf, Mary Larson, Nathan Haynes, David Juhlin, Stephanie Bernier, Irene Austin, and Betsy Roper.” After each nominee stated in a sentence their UUCB and UU history, Ms. Evans opened the meeting for discussion.
Attendees asked many questions about the process. In response, many aspects were covered, and some of the basics follow:
* the UUA mandates and describes the search process
* Prospective ministers each assemble a packet about themself
* Our Team puts together a packet that includes the Congregation’s discussions about UUCB
– In our preparation, over 90 UUCB people participated in conversations (zoom), sharing stories and ideas about UUCB. Summaries of these conversations will become part of our UUCB packet
– The UUA arranges sharing of packets between Search Teams and Prospective Ministers
– the Congregation entrusts our Search Team to bring forth a recommendation in spring
– other Congregational members have no access to information, or any say about candidates until our Team makes its recommendation. (It will seem like a long wait for congregants; and, it is an intensive process for the Team)
– no “alternates” are chosen for our Team, per UUA guidelines
– Rev Sullivan is a key guide, and suggests process Qs and ideas for our Team
– Importantly, Rev Sullivan will not know candidate names, and she does not weigh in on candidates
* all UUCB members must trust the process and show patience
* the Team will likely begin with a retreat, to get organized and familiarize themselves with their tasks and decide on their process
* candidates do NOT visit UUCB
* when our Team selects its top candidates, they are usually invited to preach at a “neutral pulpit” within range of our Team, who observe the candidate in action

The Board Chair noted that Team members were carefully chosen and vetted by the Board. After discerning that Members had no further questions, it was moved and seconded that the group accept the Board motion. Ms. Evans reread the proposed team member names. and Congregants voted. Hands waved and all shouted “aye!” in favor. Ms Evans called for those opposed, none responded, and in a similar call for those abstaining, none responded.

Rev Sullivan noted that the Team was elected “because of your gifts.” All Team members agreed to do their best for UUCB as they accepted “Congratulations,” and the Moderator declared the meeting closed.
Respectfully submitted, Bill Clark, Clerk