Chalice Circles


What is a Chalice Circle?

A Chalice Circle is a small group of people, including a trained facilitator, who gather monthly for two hours in a safe setting to speak from our lives and experiences.

In Unitarian Universalism, we recognize that each person has learned some share of truth and each has gained some hard-won wisdom. In small groups, Chalice Circles offer safe settings in which to speak from our lives and experiences with the expectation that our words will be heard and respected–without criticism.

These small groups provide an opportunity for individuals to make deep and meaningful connections by sharing their own stories and deeply listening to the stories of others. Through the spiritual practices of deep listening, authentic sharing and respectful silence, Chalice Circles support us in out quest for acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth.

A Chalice Circle is:

  • A way to deepen our spirituality through shared practice.
  • A way to share our thoughts on life’s big questions.
  • A way to connect across age, gender, ethnic, economic and other differences.
  • A way to bring together the newer and the long time members in our community.
  • A way to deepen our practice of shared UU principles.
  • A way to practice fellowship as each circle performs a service project for the congregation or larger community.

What happens at a Chalice Circle?

Chalice Circles meet once or twice a month over the course of a year to explore topics curated specifically for UU seekers. Topics are vary widely, including such things as forgiveness, spiritual practices, loneliness, living simply, fear, and healing. Each meeting follows a format that includes opening and closing readings, time for checking in with one another, and shared reflection on the topic for the month. No advance preparation is necessary. Trained facilitators lead the groups.

In addition to the monthly meetings, each Chalice Circle chooses two service projects during the year. One service project supports the life of the congregation. The other serves the wider community beyond the doors of the congregation. In this way, each Chalice Circle provides an avenue for its members to bring their faith into action.

What do the session plans look like?

The session plans are simple and typically consist of these elements:

  • Opening words/Chalice lighting
  • Check-In
  • Centering Reading
  • Reflection and Sharing
  • Check-Out
  • Closing Words

What is the purpose and benefit of a Chalice Circle?

This simple but profound experience of carefully listening to another without preparing a verbal response or offering a fix can, over time, have a deep spiritual effect, one that transfers to other aspects of our lives. Speaking, and in turn listening, without interruption offers a kind of growth not found in most other social encounters both within and outside the congregation.

On February 1, 2009, our church voted to adopt our Mission Statement, “to be a spiritual community, to welcome all, to nurture one another, to work for justice, and to care for the earth.” Chalice Circles help us to live into that Mission Statement in the following ways:


Worship is central to our life as a congregation. Chalice Circles contain elements of worship and reflection intended to augment and strengthen our shared worship experiences. In that way, Chalice Circles help us to live into our mission to be a spiritual community.


Chalice Circles help to meet the need for connection and intimacy that is both a deep hunger in our society and essential to the ongoing life of the congregation. Chalice Circles help us to live into our mission to welcome all and to nurture one another.

Learning and Spiritual Growth

People come to our congregation to engage spiritual growth, to know themselves, to grow in their understanding of the world, and to ponder age-old questions of ethics and faith: what to believe; what meanings to decipher from the mystery of life; and how to live in accordance with those meanings. That kind of learning helps us to live into our mission to be a spiritual community.


A life of faith is a life of service. As human beings, we seek to be of use, and a healthy congregation provides opportunities for us to serve. By serving, we open the door to nurturing one another, working for justice, and caring for the earth.

We ask that you make a commitment to attend at least four meetings to give Chalice Circles a fair chance.

Chalice Circles are open to any member or friend of UUCB, age 18 or older. 

Registration for 2025 is CLOSED

For more information, contact Lucy Ijams at:
Click Here for the Chalice Circles Handbook