Spiritual Formation for Children and Youth

We believe that faith is a journey we take together. Spiritual formation takes a lifetime.

It happens both within and beyond a congregation’s walls. We support one another as individuals, families, and communities in an ongoing search for truth and meaning. We strive to guide one another-all ages among us-in religious/spiritual questioning, personal change, and discovering ways to better live in faith.

Why is it called “Lifelong Spiritual Formation”?

Following a 2017 report written by Kim Sweeney, who served as the Lead for Faith Formation and Safe Congregations for its New England region, the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) shifted from emphasizing “religious exploration” to “faith formation” or “spiritual formation” because it wanted to highlight a more active and intentional process of developing a personal Unitarian Universalist identity, moving beyond simply exploring different beliefs to actively integrating those values into daily life and actively engaging with the community’s ethical and social justice principles; this shift also reflects a desire to address contemporary issues like racial justice and inclusivity within UU faith practices. In September of 2024, the UUCB “Religious Exploration” program was renamed the “Lifelong Spiritual Formation” program to reflect the expansion of educational programming to include adult programming under the same umbrella as the children’s programming.

If you have questions about any of the Spiritual Formation offerings for children,  please email our Lifelong Spiritual Formation Director at:


About the Program